welcome to my little attempt at blogging. (Blair, you should be proud, because it was you that prompted me to do this.)
I am confident that this will be not so much a blog as an online journal, but I'll make an attempt at linkage. Seems like most of the things I find on the internet have been around forever - I am so classically behind-the-times that it's not hardly amusing any more. But whatever...
So... in the interest of introductions, here's a list of 25 things you should know about me:
1. I am a redhead.
2. I have two little red-headed children: Madison, who is 8, and Kierstin, who is 5.
3. I am married to a prince among men, who goes by the name of Paul.
4. I was born on August 30th, 1968, which makes me older than I feel.
5. I am impatient in the extreme.
6. It takes about 3.2 seconds to annoy me, no matter the circumstances.
7. I swear more than I should.
8. I am completely dissatisfied with my physical appearance.
9. I am way too lazy to do anything about it.
10. I hate dieting, mainly because I hate being restricted or denied anything that I want.
11. I have a compulsive nature.
12. I spend WAY too much money on crap I don't need, and have difficulty accounting for the money I spend. It disappears, I tell you!
13. I have a younger brother, who is currently incarcerated. He has an affinity for cars that don't belong to him.
14. My mother is married to a man I detest.
15. I wish he would drop off the planet.
16. Most of my extended family lives within 1 hour of me. We get together monthly at my grandmother's house for dinner.
17. I work in IT - application design and development, with a side order of support.
18. I often have days were the only work-related things I accomplish are reading email, and checking my voicemail.
19. I like my job most days.
20. I had Hodgkins Disease 10 years ago. I am cured.
21. My marriage, while happy now, has not always been so.
22. My saintly, wonderful husband is not done with school yet. He is currently trying to finish, which is good, but it's getting old. Again, with the impatience.
23. I am less selfish than I used to be, but I am bitter about it.
24. I love to go to the movies.
25. I tend to exaggerate.
Kind of retarded, I know, but I had to start somewhere!