
Originally uploaded by the*redhead
But what is happiness except the simple harmony between a man and the life he leads?
Albert Camus

Yes, it is actually *that* simple. But only if you let it be.

I am well aware that this is not a great shot in any way, but I find it to be very reflective of the natural, everyday me. Little to no makeup, messy hair, dirty glasses - this is my life. And I, quite frankly, love my life. It is not without annoyances. It is not without troubles and worries and concerns. But at the very heart of it, it is good and happy and I am more content than I have ever been, or have ever imagined I could be.

I've reached a point in my life (!) where contentedness is a staple. Happiness is the norm. And I am so very grateful for it that it's difficult to put into words - at least not ones that don't make my best friends roll their eyes at me.
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for Jentober

Originally uploaded by the*redhead
Random Wednesday - the redheaded edition:

We got the clap, she got the clap!

I work with a bunch of hardcore GEEKS, who are currently having a VERY SERIOUS conversation about playing the Powerball ... they're cracking me up.

Yo, Flintsone! Stop with the twitching.

Aaaaand ... the powerball conversation is STILL going on 15 minutes later, only now it's more of an argument than a conversation.

That's a LOT of noise for such a little person.

Stop that. Stop it right now.

I have a song from Sleeping Beauty stuck in my head. Thanks, Mad!

I still think you should have worn a tiara. Just sayin'.

Listen, lady. When you were in London, we were all infinitely happier, because we didn't have to hear about how it was done when you were in London. Go back there, ASAP.

La da da dee, la da da dee, so this is looooove....

Oh, shit.

Well, that was fun.


The ridiculously high price of this chair directly equates to how UNcomfortable it is.


What is UP with the people in this office today? Everyone's gone nuts.


I recovered pretty quickly, didn't I?

Yeah, that's all I've got for today.
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