Four Things

I blame Heather - though I think I might be cheating because she didn't tag me. Nobody reads my blog, so it doesn't matter.

Four Jobs I've Had:
Massage Therapist
Grocery Bagger
Video Store Manager
Ice Cream Scooper

Four movies I can watch over and over:
Empire Records
Pretty Woman
For Love of the Game

Four places I've lived:
Lincoln, CA
Roseville, CA
Huntington Beach, CA
Lynnwood, WA

Four TV shows I love:
My Name Is Earl
The Waltons
Monday Night Football

Four places I've vacationed:
Las Vegas, NV
Seattle, WA
Enterprise, UT
Montreal, Canada

Four of my favorite dishes:
Reuben Sandwich
Chicken Divan
Prime Rib
Macaroni & Cheese (my homemade stuff)

Four sites I visit daily:
Go Fug Yourself

Four places I would rather be right now:
at home
any Century theatre
the moon

Four bloggers I am tagging*:
DJ Marcus (who doesn't blog that i'm aware of)
Nathan (who is currently in parts unknown, not blogging)
Scott (who is very funny in those podcasts, but doesn't know I exist)
Me (because I didn't really get tagged in the first place)

*One must have readership to tag someone - mine are just figurative.

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The Beast

The Beast
Originally uploaded by whiskotangey.
How about WT central, huh? That's right... here's how you do it:
1. Spend lots of dough on a big screen plasma-type television set.
2. Mount said television set above the fireplace mantle.
3. Leave the cords hanging down in front of the fireplace.

Looks classy, right?? Hey... we're set for the SuperBowl on Sunday. Go Hawks!

OK, so I'm not the most organized person on the planet. Whatever.

My house is still in a state of disarray. The bulk of the furniture has been purchased, but only the living room chairs have arrived so far. The living room couch had to be ordered, as did the bed and the kitchen table and chairs. I'm not very patient either, and I'm getting more than a little tired of waiting.

We have thus far been unable to agree on what's going on in the bonus room upstairs, so we still need a couch-type apparatus for that room.

For the record: If anyone tells you (like my husband did) that the HDMI cord doesn't make a difference, and that you won't be able to tell the difference between that and the Red/Green/Blue component cord, tell them they're full of shit.
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