
Originally uploaded by the*redhead

A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.
John Lennon

This is one I'd like to play with texture on, but I don't know what I'm doing, and I don't feel like learning right now.
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Originally uploaded by the*redhead

Less is only more where more is no good.
Frank Lloyd Wright

The 'more' that was my unruly mop had definitely reached the point of 'no good'. I love my hair when it's long, but only for a while. It was time to cut it off. Past time.
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Originally uploaded by the*redhead
with snow in the forecast.
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Originally uploaded by the*redhead
with all there is
why settle for
just a piece
of sky?
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Originally uploaded by the*redhead
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Originally uploaded by the*redhead
...of being ignored.

...of wondering about the big B word, and how it affects me.

... of being blamed for everything.

... of waiting.

... of feeling like I'm behind all the time.
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Originally uploaded by the*redhead
That was Jen's word, not mine. But I like it anyways.
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dog boy

Originally uploaded by the*redhead
The word that comes out of my mouth most often these days is "nuisance". It's actually first after "NO!"
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apathetic no more

Originally uploaded by the*redhead
The apathy of the people is enough to make every statue leap from its pedestal and hasten the resurrection of the dead.
William Lloyd Garrison

Apathy used to be a big thing with me. I was so apathetic in my marriage that there was nothing left worth fighting about.

I don't have that problem any more, and I make a conscious effort every. day. to make sure that I never go back there again. I was not a happy person then. But I am now.
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overdoing it

Originally uploaded by the*redhead
Anything worth doing is worth overdoing.
Mick Jagger

Oh well. Maybe I did overdo it. It sure feels like it right now. This was the wrong month to get ambitious, for sure.

Work has finally calmed down, and I'm officially employed instead of a contractor. My relief is palpable. The benefits are spectacular, truly, and I'm looking forward to new projects. And working from home on Thursdays. Hopefully it will end up being 2 days a week - any more than that would decrease my productivity, I'm certain. While I'm better than I used to be, I'm still not perfect, and too much home time would be ... counterproductive.
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searching for words

Originally uploaded by the*redhead
Is it possible to be a little bit devastated?

I'm trying really, REALLY hard not to be, but ... it's not working out so well for me.

I can't let it go, and I can't make it make sense in the larger scheme of things. It's just so ... out of character. And it's making me wonder things that I should not be wondering. And I'm having a hard time reconciling what I think I know with what I heard.

I've decided, though, to write it down, and then let it go. And hope that I'm horribly, terribly wrong about it all. And that I'll go back and look at what I wrote and be honestly able to tell myself that it was a one-time thing. Because I'll never have to add to the list. It won't become a list, just a one-off. And then I'll sigh in relief and remember how silly I acted over nothing.
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Originally uploaded by the*redhead
phoning it in. literally.

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Originally uploaded by the*redhead
So.. this started out totally different. The first shots from this series involved a mask and purple suede pumps... but it just wasn't working for me. So I decided to just go simple.

Good decision, I think.
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girls being girls

Originally uploaded by the*redhead
Boys will be boys. And even that wouldn't matter if only we could prevent girls from being girls.
Anne Frank

It was a fun weekend. Mighty B came for a visit, and we went to a movie, and to the mall. And we goofed around in our pajamas.
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gun control

Originally uploaded by the*redhead
I have a very strict gun control policy: if there's a gun around, I want to be in control of it.
Clint Eastwood

This was prompted by a comment from someone in a discussion thread today. I was insulted, which led to this. I'm totally over it now, but it was fun.
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wicked siren

Originally uploaded by the*redhead
You must avoid sloth, that wicked siren.

Really, it's about sloth. Because I was being lazy and lolling around in bed.
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Originally uploaded by the*redhead
Jentober says I look creepy here.

I told her there was an axe in my other hand.
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Originally uploaded by the*redhead
And all your future lies beneath your hat.
John Oldham

Is it wrong that I only like Log Cabin brand syrup on my french toast? I really don't love syrup at all. I never use it on pancakes or waffles. Only on french toast, and only if there's Log Cabin.
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Originally uploaded by the*redhead
I'm beginning to think that my word thing isn't going to last. I'll probably use it now and again, but I don't see it staying put for the remainder of this project.

One of the good things that's come of it is that, in perusing sites for quotes, I've found many that I liked and want to use, they just didn't seem to fit the particular shot I was searching about. So I started a list, and I'm going to try and do this in the reverse fashion now and again, and use the quote to inspire my photo.

In the spirit of randomness that seems to be my constant companion today, here's a list:

- why does my nose always itch while I'm fooling around? is it a concentration thing? I find that I'm always having to lose focus to scratch my nose. it's odd, I think. and more than a little frustrating from time to time.

- where the hell is that sweater I bought in North Carolina?

- the hairball that I produced while gunking up my hair with product this morning was phenomenally large, considering the fact that I just washed it yesterday.

- I need a new default ringtone

- I can't decide whether I should walk over to 24 hour fitness and break my lazy streak by actually starting to run like I've been saying I'm going to, or just sit here and keep typing.
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Originally uploaded by the*redhead
This one could have been 'procrastination' as well. I looked at the clock at 11:49 as I was crawling into bed and remembered that I hadn't taken any photos at all that day. Not one to be daunted by the extreme pressure of a deadline 11 minutes away, I set the camera on the bedside table, grabbed the remote, and took ONE shot. This is how it ended up.

Craptastic? perhaps. But it is what it is.
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Originally uploaded by the*redhead
My original idea for this shot was in the "one of these things is not like the others" neighborhood, but that was when I thought we had less bunnies and more doggies. Either way, this one made me happy in the end.
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Originally uploaded by the*redhead
Here is the rule to remember in the future, When anything tempts you to be bitter: not, "This is a misfortune" but "To bear this worthily is good fortune."
Marcus Aurelius

It's been an evening, let me tell you!

I got home, late, to find the laundry room, hallway, and part of Mad's room flooded because the drain hose for the washer had come out of the thing back there (yeah, yeah - I'm super technical, I know) and water was everywhere. While I was sopping up water, my fingers got closed in the door that I was using to steady myself, so I'm missing some serious skin on a couple of digits in the cuticle area, and my pinkie finger is going to hurt like a sonofabitch in the morning because it took the brunt of the squish dead-center on my nail bed. I screamed, but then felt bad because everyone was thinking I'd been electrocuted or something, because the wicked squeaking noise it made when it got smooshed (due, I'm sure, to the superior gel product covering my natural nail) was kind of ... eerie, really.

It doesn't hurt right now because I'm drunk and don't care very much. It's just sort of throbbing. But I'm sure that that will be different in the morning.
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Originally uploaded by the*redhead
We laid on the bed. We giggled. We made faces at each other. There were kisses and nuzzles and crossed eyes and tongues stuck out and even a couple of tickles. And a lot of hair.

It was a good evening.
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Originally uploaded by the*redhead
I had a realization this morning while chatting with a friend: I have been so busy making sure everyone else is taken care of and adapting to the new schedule and whatnot that I haven't taken time to make sure I'm ok with the new schedule and changes.

Every day that's gone by, I've felt less and less like I have the luxury to take the time for my photo. The alarm goes off at 4:20, and I don't want to get up (nothing new) so I lay there until 4:50, which leaves me 20 minutes to get out the door if I'm going to make the 6:20 ferry from Bainbridge. I haven't made it one day this week, and have instead been on the 6:20 from Bremerton. Not a bad thing, but I don't get to work until 8, which means I can't leave until 4, which generally means that I don't get on a ferry until 5:45, which translates to home at 7:30 instead of by 6. Time has once again become a fleeting luxury, and I need to get a grip and be more careful with it.

I don't love the drive to Bainbridge in the mornings, but it's not nearly as awful as driving around. I could buy myself some time by driving in in the mornings, but I'm so wound up and irritable by the time I get to the office, that I can't even stand to sit next to me. And there's no guarantee that it will even get me to work that extra half-hour that it's supposed to, due to traffic conditions. I'm imagining that once I'm in a cubicle it will be different. When I have my own space instead of sharing a hotel cube with 4 strangers, and being in the middle of every hallway conversation that goes on in this wing, I'll have some peace and quiet when I arrive, and - most importantly - I will not be immediately available for hounding by people with questions and whatnot. I need a few minutes to get into the swing of the day before the annoying herds jump on my back and start working my last nerve. And just the fact that I have to be in such close, un-walled proximity to people when I first get in makes me all the more irritable.

Alright. I'm done bitching for the moment.

I got a gift certificate to the Olympus Spa (they have a website, but it has no pertinent information or I'd link it and make you jealous) for my birthday from my beloved, and I'm thinking that one of these days real soon I'm going to go and use it after work. I'm supposed to wait for Shell to come up before I use it, but I doubt it's going to last that long. Besides, it's not like I won't go again when she comes up, really. Hee.
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Originally uploaded by the*redhead
I am the very definition of lazy today when it came to my project.

That is all.
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Originally uploaded by the*redhead
If you don't understand how a woman could both love her sister dearly and want to wring her neck at the same time, then you were probably an only child.
Linda Sunshine

This is an absolutely perfect quote for today. Today started out as a love day, and has devolved into a wring her neck day. Ooph.
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Originally uploaded by the*redhead
It's Friday. Sassy Underpants Friday.

I swore (to myself) that this time around I wasn't going to be so ... flashy. Not so much tits & ass. But guess what? It's really who I am. It's what I do. It's ... natural, really.

This weekend will consist of softball and a pig roast on Saturday, and another trip to the apartment to try and get the rest of the crap out of there and either into storage or into the house. So much of what's left is rather useless, really. And it's all going to the Goodwill - except my shoes.

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Originally uploaded by the*redhead
My evil genius Procrastination has whispered me to tarry 'til a more convenient season.
Mary Todd Lincoln

Yeah. This is me, waiting until bedtime to take today's photo. It's times like these that my old formula comes in handy: take your hair down, take your shirt off, and shoot. Pick something you don't hate. Post.

This was actually my very first shot. The universe likes me today, apparently.
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Originally uploaded by the*redhead
I love t-shirts with obnoxious stuff on them. (See here for reference purposes).

This particular shirt was a birthday gift.

Thank you, Jen. xo
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Originally uploaded by the*redhead
I hate taking photos on the ferry sometimes. I am so very self-conscious, especially when I'm taking shots of odd things, like fire alarms and rope. People look at me like I've completely lost my marbles.

When I think about it afterwords, I realize that I couldn't really give a shit what anyone else thinks. And I tell myself that the next time I whip out the camera and start taking photos of rusty sprinkler heads and long shots of rows of car tires, nobody's going to make me feel dumb for doing it.

And then I find myself laughing at the idiot with his cell phone taking a photo of the landing or something else stupid, and thinking, "what the hell is that idiot taking a picture of?"

I am a judgmental bitch, aren't I?
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Originally uploaded by the*redhead
When my mood was high, I seemed normal, even buoyant. I felt smarter. I had secrets. I could see God in a light bulb.
Gene Tierney

We had all kinds of "being productive" type plans for today. That was last week, before we decided to just be lazy today.

I like this better.
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Originally uploaded by the*redhead
Kierstin asked if she could color on my face. I believe she was shocked when I told her she could.

I might actually let her do this again. It made her irrationally happy, and the washable markers came off with just water.

mommy win!
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Originally uploaded by the*redhead
Naked I came, and naked I leave the scene, And naked was my pastime in between.
J. V. Cunningham

First: I totally admit that this idea came about because I'm drunk. Without shame.

Second: I almost fell climbing up there. Twice. It was hilarious, trust me.

Third: There were other shots taken by parties that will remain nameless. With a cell phone. While I was bent over checking focus and setup. Yeah.

I am not a nudist. And I am going to be sorely disappointed when my woodpile becomes firewood.
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Originally uploaded by the*redhead
One of the ideas I had for this project is to associate a word with each shot. So far, the word has come after I decide which shot to post. As I progress through this, I might pick a word and then try to associate... though I find that if I'm too confined like that I have a tendency to blow it off.

Yeah, I'm strange like that. The 'have-to' makes me all itchy.
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Originally uploaded by the*redhead
I always try to balance the light with the heavy - a few tears of human spirit in with the sequins and the fringes.
Bette Midler

My life is about balance these days. Finding equilibrium is infinitely easier when those around you are after the same thing. I have that now, and strive to keep it every day. Which is not nearly as hard as it sounds.
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Originally uploaded by the*redhead
and snowmen, too!

I totally forgot about the "blog this" option on flickr. It's awesome. So now I'm catching up on posting these first few entries from my 365.

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Originally uploaded by the*redhead
I could write something here. Something profound and meaningful. Something insightful and compelling. Something revealing.

Instead I'm just using adjectives.
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Originally uploaded by the*redhead
I started a new 365 project. I might be insane, or I might just be really ready this time. I have no expectations, and nothing to prove. Except that I can finish.
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you may call me Crash

you may call me Crash
Originally uploaded by the*redhead
In my defense, I was not driving when the truck was parked. We pulled up in front of the house, and I did notice the hydrant, but then immediately forgot about it. I sat in the truck while R did his thing (he was looking at and then test-driving a donor car for my Triumph). When he got back, he told me he was buying the car, which meant I'd be driving the truck to his house. No problem.

The place where the truck was parked was in a wide spot on the side of the road. I did have to get out of the truck and walk around to the other side - and get the keys from him because they were in his pocket - but the hydrant didn't even register. I got in, started the truck, put it in 1st gear, and started to take off.

The truck is sort of not my favorite thing to drive. I am more than proficient at driving a stick shift, but I don't like it much. And when I drive the truck after a while of not driving it, it’s always a little frustrating because the clutch’s catch-point is so far up that I end up revving the engine too much before it catches.

So, there I was, revving the engine, trying not to kill it, and I wasn’t getting anywhere, so I kind of just let the clutch go. I didn’t think it would be a big deal, as the road ahead of me seemed totally clear. But then I came to an abrupt halt. Then I backed up. As I was backing up, the first thing that came into view was the hydrant. Then I noticed that there was a railroad tie in front of the hydrant. I thought to myself, “ok – I hit the railroad tie. That’s smart – someone must have hit the hydrant before, so they put the railroad tie there to stop idiots from running into the hydrant. Good idea. No harm, no foul.”

I proceeded to pull out into the road, drive down a little ways and do a u-turn, then caught up with R, who was waiting for me, and we went on our way. He was driving the new car, and it’s low-ish, so I figured that if I HAD hit the hydrant, he’d see the messed up bumper in his rear-view and say something. He didn’t call or anything, so I got even more convinced that I hadn’t hit the hydrant.

I followed him for about 5 miles, with some traffic here and there, but for the most part I was right behind him the entire way. When we made one of the last turns before the freeway onramp, I got in the lane next to him, and was going past him when he looked over and kind of did a double-take. I thought it was odd, but had already forgotten about my concerns. Then he pulled up and motioned me to pull over. I swear, I honestly thought that he was having problems with the new car.

When we stopped, he came to the window with this wide-eyed look on his face and said, “What Happened!?!” My response was, “What do you mean, ‘what happened’?”. Seriously.

I got out of the truck, looked at the bumper, and said, “Oh, shit. I guess I did hit the hydrant after all.”

For about 10 seconds, the range of emotions that crossed his face was scary. I thought he was going to be mad, which made me panic, and I started to cry. Which made him laugh. Which made me cry harder. Which made him hug me and laugh harder. I totally love that man.

I felt terrible, and still do, and he’s now looking for replacement parts.

And now you know.
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fast woman, fast car

It's mine. :)

1973 Triumph Spitfire. Removable hard top.

It's currently a basket case, and I can't wait to get started on it. R has been thinking and re-thinking the engine and transmission and ... everything. He spent a good part of Saturday afternoon online looking at independent front suspension (pop that into Google and see what comes up. It's amusing) and engines and blowers and all kinds of crap I have no idea what to do with. I'm going to be a part of the project, even if it's only to pour drinks and hand him tools.

I've learned enough about how he works to know two things for sure:
1. He will build and rebuild this car over and over again until he comes to a final decision. I will hear about all of the iterations. I will not get attached to any of what he says, because it's subject to change without notice. When he acutally buys the engine, I might start to get invested, but with the knowledge that it's entirely possible that it's going to change again. I'm totally ok with this process.
2. I know the signs that point to when he needs to be left alone, and when he wants me to be involved. I have volwed (to myself) that I will not push the issue when it's time to back off, and I will help with no expectations when it's time for me to be involved.

This should be fun, no matter what happens.

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this is me, remaining calm

OK. I will openly admit to being irresponsible with money. It’s a long-standing problem that I swear I’m working on. I am so much better now than I used to be. Really. I have never been the girl with the balanced checkbook, but not for lack of (failed) attempts.

I have an application on my iDevice that is essentially a check register. I can schedule recurring items, and I try to keep track of all of my debit card maneuvers, but it’s not foolproof. The problem is that if I don’t write it down the moment it happens, I forget to do it. Then there’s the stupid little shit that I forget about every. fucking. month. Like the damn SuperPoke Premium bullshit that I thought was going to be so much fun on Facebook. That $4.99 each month was not only wasted, it also fucked up my account balance more than once. And that’s another problem – I live so close to overdrawn the week before my next paycheck that even five bucks can make or break my life.

So, yesterday when I deposited my first paycheck from my new employer, my account was overdrawn by about $150. The majority of that balance was because I forgot about a check I wrote for Kierstin’s book order from school, so a bunch of small transactions from Starbucks and Safeway and the like caused me to have multiple overdraft charges. At thirty-five bucks a pop, that shit gets expensive in a big, fat hurry.

The policy at BofA is apparently that if your account is overdrawn and you deposit a check – the same does not hold true for direct deposit, mind you – they hold the funds for two business days, with the exception of $100 that they release out of the goodness of their hearts. I’m not a math major, but negative 150 plus 100 still leaves a negative number. So their hundred bucks is so very much NOT useful, and the account remains overdrawn. So, there I sat with a hold on my money until 5:00pm on Friday night.

I fully understand that this is MY fault. I’m not blaming anyone else – I’m irresponsible, and forgetful, and I have issues that I’m all too aware of. But would it not be so much more helpful if they could release, say… another couple of hundred bucks so that the account is not in the red?

I went into the branch this morning, after looking at my account balance online and seeing that they had charged me yet another $35 “extended overdraft charge”, so that puts me at -$85 now. Stellar. So I spoke with the branch manager and explained the situation and asked if they could please release another couple of hundred dollars so that I might be able to put gas in my car, and pay to get my car out of the parking garage this evening. She did so, which is the nice part of this story, but when she showed me the screen detailing what she had done, I noticed that the new hold date was set for 4/12. That would be … three days longer than the original hold. Um… huh? So, I asked why the hold date was another three days. I asked calmly, I swear. I will fully admit it when I get all snotty or nasty or whatever, but I was totally calm. I could have been categorized as confused, for certain. But not hyper or bitchy or anything else. I swear. So, she says to me, “you need to calm down, it’s just a date the system puts in”.

There is no surer way to piss me right the fuck off in an immediate and biblical fashion than to tell me to calm down when I’m being perfectly calm.
I stared at her for a couple of seconds, took a deep breath, and said (very calmly, I might add): “Lady, this IS me being calm. I asked a perfectly reasonable question, and you telling me to calm down when I AM completely calm is the absolute best way to make me anything BUT calm. You won’t like me very much if I decide against remaining calm right now.”



Then I smiled at her.

She stood there, stunned, then shook her head and informed me that she was going to call the small, local bank that the check was drawn on tomorrow and make sure that the check clears, which it absolutely should, and that she would personally make sure that the hold was cleared if it did.

Here’s where this story ends for now. But I’m telling you that if there’s some sort of problem that prevents her from following up with her promise, and my funds end up being held until Monday because of this, I’m going to go so colossally fucking batshit crazy in their lobby that they’re going to have to call security to shut me up.

Calm, indeed.
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25 random things

1. It's fucking loud in here all the time.
2. I can't even begin to imagine what my breath smells like right now. Based on the taste in my mouth, it can't be good.
3. How the fuck did I manage to get out of that ticket this morning?
5. If I believed in Hell, I'm pretty sure that's where I'd be going.
6. What am I going to wear to the wedding?
7. Why is my paycheck always gone 2 days after I get paid?
8. La la la la LAAAA!
9. Does anyone make anything for my lips that will last more than 4.5 seconds and keep them moist?
10. The scene with Mark Sloane and Teddy, with the chocolate on her spine? Made me wet.
11. Chicken little
12. What is Muse, and why do I have to listen to it second-hand?
13. I want a BBQ Chicken Chopped salad from CPK. Right NOW.
14. I'm wearing a green sweater.
15. Subterfuge is a great word.
16. There is a stapler within reach.
17. Tahoe
18. Based on the personas I've chosen for Firefox, one could draw the very correct conclusion that my favorite color is green.
19. Vodka therapy cures all mental defects.
20. This is what I want to be for Halloween this year.
21. Ahhh-CHOO! repeat.
22. I love a really dark, rich red color for most anything - toes, duvet covers, ball gowns.
23. Stop whistling. It's annoying me.
34. Graham Greene
25. Based on the number of times I've thought to myself, "shut up you fucking TWAT!" today, I think it's safe to say that I'm in a fairly foul mood.
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Yeah, I'm lookin' at you...

But only if you're my creative whateverthefuck.

Where did you go? And when are you coming back?

*Are* you coming back? Because I'd really like you to. I kind of miss you. A lot.

Please come back.


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the D-word



Just looking at the word up there makes me all sweaty and nervous. It's become a nasty, evil, horrible word over the years, mostly because it seems to be able to defeat me just by being there.

My weight has been an issue for me off and on for years. Growing up I was athletic - played volleyball and basketball in HS, then volleyball in college - and never had a weight problem. I had a carton of Hershey's chocolate milk and an old-fashioned donut every morning for breakfast. (God DAMN that sounds like heaven right about now). My point is that until I got pregnant with Madison, my weight didn't even register on my list of things to worry about.

I won't go into the gory details about weight gain during pregnancy. Let's just say that a week before I delivered, I weighed more than I ever had before, and I had gained over 70lbs during my pregnancy. After Mad was born, I lost about 40 lbs, but that was it. Then I got pregnant with Kierstin. I had gestational diabetes with her, and I was careful, but still gained about 30 lbs. And then kept them, for the most part. For the last 10 years.

I have been back and forth on the issue of my weight a lot in the last few years. When I'm happy, I tend to lose some and feel better, and when I'm not, I go the other direction. Since I left my husband in August '08, I've been mostly happy. I got on a health kick and lost about 35lbs and felt better. Then something happened that I didn't expect, and I found myself in a place where I actually started to love myself, fat and all, and I stopped worrying about it. And right now, as I type this, I can honestly say that I will still love myself no matter what the outcome of my latest adventure in weight loss turns out to be.

The issue is my health. I had to run for the bus the other day, and it took me so long to recover it was embarrassing. And a broken elevator caused me to have to walk up 3 flights of stairs a few weeks ago, and I though I was going to die. Which led me to start thinking about getting my ass on a treadmill or something again, and soon.

So... all this rambling is leading up to this: I'm on a diet. Right now. And I'm loving it and hating it at the same time. It's more than a little drastic in nature, but I need drastic in the beginning. Honestly. The better I do at the beginning, the more I want to stick with it. Then I start feeling better, and the good times keep rolling, and it gets easier and easier. And this time the goal is simply to get to a place where I can be comfortable with my weight and how I look and feel, and where I don't have to count every calorie or worry about everything I put in my mouth and whether or not it's on an express route to my ass or thighs.

Diet. It's not a bad word. It's a beginning. The plan is to follow the drastic diet for at least 25 days. Follow the plan, no cheating, and keep track of my progress. The plan calls for a specific means of cycling off of the plan, at which point my anemic list of food choices gets less anemic but still ... boring. Then the exercise begins in earnest.

At that point I'll decide whether or not to keep going in that mode. I may decide to try another round of the diet, which would be largely about weight loss and less about general health and fitness. We'll see. Either way, I feel like I'm making a positive choice. I have total support from Ralph, who is also doing the diet, and the girls are excited for me despite the fact that I've been kind of miserable for the last couple of days.

Wish me luck, friends. This is going to be interesting.
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yeah, whatever

maybe I should get back into writing here. my life is less than exciting these days, but at least it's something to do.

yeah... whatever.
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