I found this list while perusing some old blog sites that I used to read regularly, and figured it was as good a place as any to start writing here again. Here goes:
Ten things I really liked when I was a teenager that I don't much care for now:
1. my ass
2. music videos
3. madonna
4. spectacularly wide belts
5. waterbeds
6. tight jeans
7. the beach
8. big hair
9. Dove soap
10. cassette tapes
Ten things I didn't much care for when I was a teenager that I really like now:
1. cream cheese
2. lip gloss
3. seafood
4. black clothing
5. processing film manually
6. my hair color
7. being tall
8. speaking in front of a group
9. protein bars
10. sex
Ten things I've never much cared for and very likely never will:
1. math
2. black licorice
3. wine
4. my stepfather
5. work
6. short hair (mine)
7. talking politics
8. my singing voice
9. piano lessons
10. tube socks
Ten things I've always really liked and very likely always will:
1. sarcasm
2. big words
3. volleyball
4. 80s music
5. tuna fish sandwiches
6. dogs
7. teddy bears
8. taking photographs
9. cursing
10. my boobs