This was actually written yesterday, but I had a meeting right before I needed to leave for my haircut, and I didn't have time to post without being late. As it turned out, I wasn't as late as I thought I was going to be, and I still waited, so I could have done it. Oh well... you'll be the only one reading this, Jen, and you don't care, so... here you go:
I know what it is. That doesn't mean I have to like it.
Mortiferousness. Doesn't that just beg to be used in a status update?
Some days you just have to make your own fun. My version is odd, yes. But it's fun for ME.
Great. Now I have that fucking oasis song stuck in my head again.
They just don't blow out, no matter how hard you try. it's a fact.
And his merry men
Because that plotter is smarter than you are, buddy.
You know things are bad when the most exciting part of the plans for your weekend consists of buying everyone rubber boots so they don't sully their shoes with dog crap when it's their turn to hose out the dog's yard.
yes. you. CAN!
She is on them like ... something serious
Have I mentioned how excited I am about the CAB meeting tomorrow? NO?? well, I am.
Admit it. You're bending the space-time continuum, aren't you?
bless your soul, you've got your head in the clouds
I'm pretty sure I need a personal assistant.
roots. cellar. overheard conversation.
holy shit, it's cold out there!
Well, fuckity. I ordered the wrong damn salad. I've been craving this thing for three weeks. So very bummed.
Wow. Admitting that felt sort of interesting. Insecurity sucks, methinks.
refrain in the membrane
I'm thinking that, since I had such a disappointing lunch, that a coffee is in order for this afternoon's meeting. yup.
NPR can be very entertaining sometimes
I just got 'A Study in Emerald' for free. Thank you, Audible :)
Ugh. Meeting.
And there you have it.