476 reasons to NEVER buy a house or try to move a week before Christmas.

House 11_23 017
Originally uploaded by whiskotangey.
If it weren't for the whole "camping out like white trash" aspect of things as they stand today, I'd probably be REALLY excited about having a brand new house. I've never had a brand new house before. You'd think I'd be over the moon with excitement. You'd think.

In retrospect, attempting to close escrow on December 16th wasn't the brightest of ideas. Of course, if we'd actually closed on the 16th then we would have had all kinds of help moving on the 17th and things would be way more put-together than they are now. And we would have had all kinds of time on the 18th to put things away in their new places, and get situated. And we would have had a little time on the 19th to relax and enjoy our new home. But no.

We actually closed on the 20th. It's been raining ever since. It gets dark here at about 4:30. Moving sucks.