I blame Heather - though I think I might be cheating because she didn't tag me. Nobody reads my blog, so it doesn't matter.
Four Jobs I've Had:
Massage Therapist
Grocery Bagger
Video Store Manager
Ice Cream Scooper
Four movies I can watch over and over:
Empire Records
Pretty Woman
For Love of the Game
Four places I've lived:
Lincoln, CA
Roseville, CA
Huntington Beach, CA
Lynnwood, WA
Four TV shows I love:
My Name Is Earl
The Waltons
Monday Night Football
Four places I've vacationed:
Las Vegas, NV
Seattle, WA
Enterprise, UT
Montreal, Canada
Four of my favorite dishes:
Reuben Sandwich
Chicken Divan
Prime Rib
Macaroni & Cheese (my homemade stuff)
Four sites I visit daily:
Go Fug Yourself
Four places I would rather be right now:
at home
any Century theatre
the moon
Four bloggers I am tagging*:
DJ Marcus (who doesn't blog that i'm aware of)
Nathan (who is currently in parts unknown, not blogging)
Scott (who is very funny in those podcasts, but doesn't know I exist)
Me (because I didn't really get tagged in the first place)
*One must have readership to tag someone - mine are just figurative.
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