I've gone from not having enough hours in the day to do everything that needs doing at work, and working weekends and late nights, to being bored to tears. As of right now (1:24 PST) I've done exactly one thing of value since I arrived at work this morning. I've already had lunch, played Peggle, read Dooce and GFY, snacked on everything stashed in my desk worth snacking on, and bothered all of my available coworkers and friends via IM.
I have a meeting at 2 with my boss for my regular one:one, in which I have to tell her about my upcoming trip to Boston/NYC in October. I haven't said anything yet because I was afraid that it was going to be a problem, and I'd rather call in sick for 4 days than be told I can't have the time off. Because I'm going. End of discussion.
In other news... I'm having bra issues. To begin, a little story:
My bra is sitting on the bed in my room. Enter best friend. She picks up said bra, examines it for a moment, then comments, "you could eat cereal out of these things". My charming husband then comments, "NObody needs that much cereal!"
Let's just say that they're not small. My bras have been commented upon in many ways, my favorite of which was, "it looks like a bike helmet for siamese twins".
So, last week I'm sitting at my desk, and as I twist and lean to throw something into my trash can, I hear a noise. Imagine the sound a huge redwood tree cracking and breaking would produce and you'd be close. Underwire. Toast. Fuck. This is the only white one I have left. Double Fuck.
I hate bra shopping. Seems like every time I find a style I like, they discontinue it shortly after I buy them. The particular style I've been wearing for the last year-and-a-half makes the girls look very nice, and that's saying something. They're supported like they've never been supported before, way up high and happy. The cups, though decidedly firm, are also maleable. I don't know exactly how to explain it, except to say that I'm not being forced into an entirely unnatural shape, and that's good. Problem is, this style in this fabric is no longer available. They still make the style, but only in a fabric option that makes me feel like my tits are being held up by stainless steel bowls (yes, that size - but way less attractive in shape). They don't give or flex at all, and it's uncomfortable. I know this because I got two of them when I got the lovely, cotton ones, and haven't worn them but once ever. So, now I have to go to the store to try different styles on, then order them online because they don't carry my size in-store. Nice.
I'm considering leaving work early to go shopping. Sounds like a good excuse to me.
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