This year's Grammy Awards Winner's List made me smile this morning. I didn't watch the show, but now I wish I would have.
I'm in love with Maroon 5 - Secret is one of the sexiest songs I've heard in a long time. Can't wait for their next album.
The Diary of Alicia Keys entered my CD player right after it was released, and didn't leave until months later. Considering the fact that I only have a single CD slot in my car, I'd say it was a favorite. (listening to it now, in fact) It was the very first album I added to my iPod when I got it in October, and is permanently on the "most played" list.
The Los Lonely Boys album came to me as a featured selection from BMG because I'm lazy and I neglected to reply in time to stop it from being sent. I usually just send them right back, but I really like Heaven, so I opened it. I'm not as fond of it as I was initially, but it's good.
And now we come to my most favorite winner of the night: Ray Charles.
I've only come to properly appreciate Ray Charles in the last few years. I don't own Genius Loves Company yet, but I used to look at it at Starbuck's all the time. See, I've stopped spending money on things that aren't necessities. It's a long story, but suffice it to say that I have a problem. A BIG PROBLEM. Anyway, I think I'm going to blow off my promise, and buy the damn thing now. If I can get it on iTunes, it's a done deal, though I'm probably not that lucky.
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