OK. I have tonight's episode of Project Runway paused right now (how the hell did I live without TiVo anyway?) because I have to get this out:
I hope Wendy Pepper wins the whole damn thing, if for no other reason than that she's the only person in the entire group who has a firm grip on reality. She may not have the most "raw talent", but she's for damn sure the smartest businesswoman in the bunch, which will serve her well in the real world of the fashion business.
Oooh - hey! Did you see that? That word there, that starts with a 'B'? It's a business, people, not a lovefest. For real. But to hear these clowns tell it, not only would they not sell their souls for fame and fortune (but they'll subject themselves to grocery store chic challenges?), but they also respect each other and are deeply committed to world peace and ending world hunger. What a big steaming pile! The jealousy in the room is palpable, even on pause. And all of the clawing for territory in the moral high ground is making me sick to my stomach. Can these idiots be serious??
The way I see it, both Kara and Wendy are both just vanilla enough to make it at Banana Republic, so style-wise it's pretty even. Jay, while fun to watch, just does not scream "Banana Republic" to me. His walleyed confessionals have been some of my favorite parts of the show, but I don't think it's a good fit. Truth be told, I just don't get his style, so I'm not laying any money on his odds.
Bottome line is this: Wendy had to have something to work with besides just ambition, which she's chock full of, or they'd never have put her on the show. Casting stereotypes might work for Survivor, but in this particular environment, at least a modicum of tallent is required. I mean, why they put that worthless sack Robert in the mix is still beyond me (women are like classic sports cars??) because his talent was a little suspect right fromt he get-go. Face it - all the talent in the world might get you onto the runway, but without some business savvy to kick it into high gear, it ain't going anywhere except K-mart.
And, just as a side note, she looks freaking fabulous. GO WENDY!
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