Today, I am bothered. Here's the up-to-the-moment list:
1. Cackle Lady and the Marauding Elephant Herd
She's bugging the crap out of me this morning. Her overloud cackle is so annoying, mostly because it's a cackle and not a laugh. The building I'm currently working in is a strange one. Anyone who walks through sounds like a herd of elephants. And I can hear, loud and clear, conversations that are happening 3 rooms and one hallway away. Partly it's because of the building, and partly it's because people around here have never heard of inside voices. There's constant thumping around and various conversations. This is a state agency, so there's not usually a whole TON of work being done, which makes for lots of conversations, both work related and otherwise. The lady on the other side of the room from me just had LapBand surgery in June. I know all about it now, because she was discussing it with the guy in the cube next to her. There is no such thing as a private conversation inside this building. The one bonus to the loudness is that nobody sneaks up on me. My cube is back in a corner, but I can hear people coming before they get here, so I can minimize my solitaire screen before I get pounced on.
2. Drivers in this state.
Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. The. Fast. Lane. Asshat! It's not your job to enforce the speed limit at 4:30 in the morning. In point of fact, it's not EVER your job to enforce the speed limit, unless you're wearing the requisite bowtie and a patrolman's hat of the state troopers. Move the fuck over or I'm going to shoot your tires out as I blow by you on the right, then cut you off as I swerve back over into the Fast Lane. AARRRGGGHHH!
3. This job.
I hate everything about it, not the least of which is the commute. 2 hours, each way. 160 miles daily. At an average of 18 miles to the gallon, we're talking about a buttload of stops at the AM/PM on a weekly basis. I'm tired of it, and I want it to be over. Of course, I don't want to be unemployed, but I also don't want to drive like this any more. I'm actually getting tired of listening to books on the drive, and I didn't think I'd ever say anything crazy like that.
4. Did I mention I hate driving?
I'm tired of my car, and my ass planted in the seat of my car for 4 hours a day. I'm numb by the time I get to work, and numb by the time I get home. I need a new seat.
5. The sad lack of available jobs in my field.
I'm going to have to change careers or something unless things improve, and I don't want to do that. The thought of having to become a PM in order to pay the bills makes me want to slit my wrists, but I may not have a lot of choice in the matter. I'm hoping that the new year will bring more projects (upgrade, people. now.) but I'm not hopeful for some reason. You'd think that if companies were planning to make that kind of project, they'd be looking now and not in January, but maybe I'm wrong. I hope I'm wrong. Please, let me be wrong.
I can't think of anything else at the moment. And that's bothering me too.
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