I am so out of control it's not even a little bit funny.
I have a compulsive spending problem that I'm supposed to be mastering, and it's not working out so well at the moment. If I added up the money that I've spent in the last 48 hours, it would probably make me throw up. I keep telling myself that I'll be good next month - it's ok because I have the money. Yeah, right now I have the money - but in another 2 months when the checks stop rolling in from my Nebraska gig, and my ginormous salary decrease strolls up and kicks me in the ass, I'm going to be wishing I'd been more careful.
Last weekend I got Paul to agree to getting a new mattress - ours is about 15 years old. It wasn't an easy sell, because he's a whole lot more responsible than I am, and he sees what's coming in our immediate financial future, and he doesn't want to spend any more money than is absolutely necessary. I'm quite certain that I've spent enough to buy two mattresses, plus box springs, and a couple of sets of really high thread-count sheets. And a cashmere throw. Or two. And if he knew about it, I might just end up divorced.
I really need to get a grip, here. Maybe I need therapy - and NOT the retail kind!
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